Hi guys,
Today, we’re excited to tell you about how (and why) Xperia P is top of the smartphone screen class…
We’ve all tried to view photos, read texts and tweet when the Sun is beating down – right? All that squinting, hand-covering and head adjusting does nothing for making things clearer.
Well, back in May we commissioned an independent testing lab, TheTESTfactory in Stuttgart, to put Xperia P’s screen through its paces and measure it against 11 of the latest (they-who-cannot-be-named) smartphones.
All environmental influences were minimised, each smartphone’s display set to maximum; with automatic functions turned off, and then a spectrometer was used to evaluate the brightness of each display.
Hands-down winner? Sony’s Xperia P, with a lab-verified brightness of 867 candelas*… outshining the number two display by almost 50 candelas
This is all down to Sony WhiteMagic, a technology that makes its smartphone debut with Xperia P. On a normal LCD display the color of each pixel (including white) is produced by mixing three subpixels: red, blue and green. But, Xperia P’s 4” Reality Display with Mobile BRAVIA Engine has a fourth white subpixel. This makes it possible to significantly brighten the display to guarantee a clear and sharp picture, even in dazzling sunshine.
Although Xperia P has an unrivalled bright display, it isn’t battery intensive because of its inbuilt photosensor that smartly adjusts the screen brightness to the surroundings. So you only get the brightness levels you really need at any time – smart right?
For more on Xperia P, check out the product homepage.
*A candela often abbreviated CD, is the international unit for measuring the brightness of light sources – a common candle emits light with a luminous intensity of roughly one candela.